Bezoek aan zuster Patti
29-09-2015 16:30
Bezoek aan Patti.
Zij is sinds kort met de kinderen verhuisd van Mae Saen naar Chiang Rai ( afstand van ca 50 km) waar de kinderen beter tot hun recht komen m.b.t. de school.
Hieronder vertelt zij over haar werk en het kindertehuis middels een video opname.
Dear family and friends,
Below I have posted the link to some great news regarding my ministry here in Thailand. Hope you have time to watch this short video.
I want to "Thank" all of you who pray for us and have given financially to us this year. I pray that God blesses you abundantly!
The children have begun their new school term after a few weeks off in October. Rainy season is over and we are enjoying this harvest time of year. Many of the children went back to their villages to help harvest the corn.
This month many celebrate a Christian Thanksgiving. It is a time of giving "Thanks' to God for the abundant harvest. Rice farmers have been busy cutting the rice and villages all around the North Country will be having celebration between now and the end of the month.
We hope to attend "Thanksgiving" next weekend in Maesalong.
As some of you have heard, Pastor Wong has been sick, but she is doing much better, getting stronger everyday. Thank you for your prayers.
I have hired additional staff who will start on Dec.1. A lovely couple who have a 15 month old and 4 year old girl. They will be house parents for my Girls Home.
God has instructed me to do this to prepare for the things He has for me to do beginning next year.
I am presently the only foreigner at my homes. Each day, I have been helping my children with their english homework. This can be a bit overwhelming for just one person, especially when they are all at different levels.
I would like to ask if any of you would consider coming to help me for a short term (1 month- 6 months) I am desperately needing someone to come live at the homes and commit to teaching my staff english during the day, and then teaching my children in the evenings and on weekends.
This doesnt require any degree, just a love for children, a heart to want to serve God and help me.
If you are interested or if you know of someone who would be interested in coming you can email me. My telephone number is: 08-75771984
I would like to ask you to consider supporting us monthly if you do not already. My new houseparents monthly salary will require an additional budget of $400 per month.
Thank you again and please take a few minutes to click on the link below to listen to my announcement.
God bless you!. Hope you enjoy! Patti
Zij is sinds kort met de kinderen verhuisd van Mae Saen naar Chiang Rai ( afstand van ca 50 km) waar de kinderen beter tot hun recht komen m.b.t. de school.
Hieronder vertelt zij over haar werk en het kindertehuis middels een video opname.
Dear family and friends,
Below I have posted the link to some great news regarding my ministry here in Thailand. Hope you have time to watch this short video.
I want to "Thank" all of you who pray for us and have given financially to us this year. I pray that God blesses you abundantly!
The children have begun their new school term after a few weeks off in October. Rainy season is over and we are enjoying this harvest time of year. Many of the children went back to their villages to help harvest the corn.
This month many celebrate a Christian Thanksgiving. It is a time of giving "Thanks' to God for the abundant harvest. Rice farmers have been busy cutting the rice and villages all around the North Country will be having celebration between now and the end of the month.
We hope to attend "Thanksgiving" next weekend in Maesalong.
As some of you have heard, Pastor Wong has been sick, but she is doing much better, getting stronger everyday. Thank you for your prayers.
I have hired additional staff who will start on Dec.1. A lovely couple who have a 15 month old and 4 year old girl. They will be house parents for my Girls Home.
God has instructed me to do this to prepare for the things He has for me to do beginning next year.
I am presently the only foreigner at my homes. Each day, I have been helping my children with their english homework. This can be a bit overwhelming for just one person, especially when they are all at different levels.
I would like to ask if any of you would consider coming to help me for a short term (1 month- 6 months) I am desperately needing someone to come live at the homes and commit to teaching my staff english during the day, and then teaching my children in the evenings and on weekends.
This doesnt require any degree, just a love for children, a heart to want to serve God and help me.
If you are interested or if you know of someone who would be interested in coming you can email me. My telephone number is: 08-75771984
I would like to ask you to consider supporting us monthly if you do not already. My new houseparents monthly salary will require an additional budget of $400 per month.
Thank you again and please take a few minutes to click on the link below to listen to my announcement.
God bless you!. Hope you enjoy! Patti